Al Bairq Services

Booking of hotels
Book your hotel at the cheapest price and choose from several hotels around the world, and enjoy the best offers and discounts on booking hotels, resorts and hotel apartments, and enjoy room services, reception, guidance and meals because we always choose the best hotel locations in every country and we guarantee safety, hygiene and sterilization rules

Design your own trip
We offer you exclusive services to specify your next trip at the convenient go and return time for you to your destination, in the country you want to visit, with the number of people you choose, with the level of accommodation that suits you. Just contact Al-Bairaq to book your personalized flight, and we will work hard to get you a unique, custom-made flight based on your own preferences and interests.

Flight tickets
Book your hotel at the cheapest price and choose from several hotels around the world, and enjoy the best offers and discounts on booking hotels, resorts and hotel apartments, and enjoy room services, reception, guidance and meals because we always choose the best hotel locations in every country and we guarantee safety, hygiene and sterilization rules

Providing internal transportation
We offer you internal delivery services with the most convenient means of transportation; To move freely within the tourist destination in order to ensure that you roam around the city and see all its attractions. And the ability to experience the different types of transportation characteristic of each country, such as: elephants, boats, wooden trains, tuk-tuk, sledges, and cable cars.

Travel insurance
We will help you get the best travel insurance depending on your flight, health and destination, which covers medical emergencies. Plus we understand fine print better than travelers, so we’ll make sure you’re well-protected when you book

Obtaining a visa
We provide you with visa services based on the requirements of different and changing countries to enter the country and due to the change of these requirements without prior notice, we have sufficient experience to clear your required papers and obtain your visa for the country you want to visit.